It’s Just A Story In The End…

Every great adventure must end so another can begin, that is how we nourish our short lives.  As with every ending there are stories and memories to share with others throughout our lives.  We influence, inspire, and encourage one another to find their own adventure with our stories.  This is the ending of Cyrano’s story and I want to thank every one of my readers for following me and in return for your patience, your time, and I hope I have given you the excitement and courage to go out and find your adventure.

It has been several months since my last post, there is no excuse.  I have been putting this off, not knowing quite how to form this post.  Some adventures are easier to let go of than others…this one will be hard to leave behind.

Upon entering the bay in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico my mom was having extreme pain in her feet, her hips, and especially in her left shoulder.  The pain started after leaving Cabo San Lucas, granted the trip was rough and we had initially though she may have hurt herself, but her pain was extensive and lasting.  Eventually a dingy ride into town was quite unbearable and therefore she could not leave the boat if we were anchored.  Her chronic pain, hardly controlled by pain medicines, was concerning the rest of us, what if we had an emergency?  This was always our first question and it could usually be answered quickly, like it should be, but this time there was no answer.

Not so much denial, I would say, but rather hope.   We hoped mom would get better, that her pain would resolve itself with the help of pain medication.  It was this thinking that allowed us to leave La Cruz after three months of vacationing there.  At the time the better choice would have been to stay and see a doctor, but now I look back and say I would not have had it turn out any other way.

We did see a doctor in Zihuatanejo, he had some newer medicine designed specifically for arthritis-like symptoms.  Such a nice man was this doctor, he sent us on our way with two more syringes full of this medicine plus some back up medicine in case the syringes stopped working.  He had supposed mom was struggling with the effects of MS and unfortunately MS had the habit of adapting and surpassing the prescribed medicines.  The medicine in the syringes made mom feel like she was nineteen again!  She danced, she sang, she was apart of the crew again and I was so grateful.

The joy was short lived for the Miracle Medicine, as we called it, lasted a week and no more.  We resorted to the backup pills which also failed after four days of testing.  The Miracle Medicines prescribed by the Zihuatanejo doctor worked brilliantly, but like he had predicted the foreign illness had worsened and with great consequences.

Dad and I would meet on the aft deck and discuss our solutions the ‘What Ifs?’.  The stress was one thing to reckon with, this was my family and what happened if there was an emergency that called for all of us to abandon ship.  This was not a likely scenario, but nonetheless, how would we manage that….?   We couldn’t and that knowledge weighed heavily on dad’s shoulders.

Mom’s Miracle Medicine lasted us at least a month, we had tried plan A, plan B, and plan C.  It had carried us down to the edge of the Tehuantepec, just a few miles away from Salina Cruz and even then we were so close to Central America that we had all turned a blind eye and prompted ourselves to go further.  We could make it, we would make it, we would see Central America!  We were all responsible for this foolish thinking.

Despite the fact that mom could walk no more than twenty feet we decided to leave Chahue Marina in Hualtuco and cross the Tehuantepec.  A three hundred mile stretch that was unpredictable, hot, and dangerous, this was what we had been preparing ourselves for.  Thankfully it did not live up to its reputation, but we did experience some strange phenomenons.  The trip was easy, dare I say and we reached Chiapas Marina safely, but mom was still in pain.  We were just twenty miles from the Guatemala Border, but our situation worsened with the intense heat, large mosquitoes, and relentless humidity.  This was the last straw, we had been arguing over it for weeks, but again no one wanted to admit our time had come.  We needed to turn around, we needed to stop, we needed help.

We did stop, we did turn around, we did abandon the dream of crossing the Guatemala Border.  In four days we turned ourselves around and crossed the Tehuantepec in the same week, but we were cutting it short and because of this we were met with seas so fierce dad and I were on watch constantly.  Mom was sleeping, I could sleep if I wanted to, but I wanted to be on watch with dad.  Last time we crossed the Tehuantepec we encounter uncharted rocks, shoals, and even stationed lighthouses.  We were gravely wrong if we had thought we might get out of these seas without so much as a scratch.  It was in the middle of the night, of course and we had hit a monster wave quite abruptly, causing many things to crash, some of which landed on mom’s face.  Following this rude awakening mom was woken to piles of files, a violin, and a small guitar all falling on top of her and her face.  When dad called me into the bedroom to assist with first aid I was greeted with an apple-sized black, bloody eye.  There was no damage to the eye itself, it was just was a typical black eye, but it was adding insult to injury, literally.

Due to the fact that we had a doctor in our family, our boat was stocked nicely with emergency medicines such as hydrocodone.  This was a situation that called for a dose of hydrocodone.  Mom’s eye was ugly, it pained me to look at her in such a state, but she was happy as a peach, oblivious to the fifteen foot waves beating us on the nose.  During the day time we were all required to sit inside the pilot house with our life jackets on, no one could leave there without permission, it was the roughest seas we have ever seen.  I dare say a few years may have been shaved off after this journey.

We reached Chahue Marina in the day light, we were thankful for that, but we were beaten, exhausted and frankly we were shaken.  We slept for an entire day afterwards.  Dock dwellers that we had met on our previous visit came forward and greeted us happily.  They, like everyone else, wanted to know what had happened, if we had met bad weather, or if there was a problem with the boat.  It took me several days to swallow the bitter pill of….what?  Was this failure?  Hardly, but somehow we hadn’t met our goals and how were we going to tell our family?  How was I going to write this on my blog?  How were we going to manage the end of our journey, we were thousands and thousands of miles from the country we use to call home.  Was this our next home, Mexico?  Perhaps temporarily, but I doubted its permanence,  it wouldn’t be possible with our four birds.  I did what I had to do for the next few weeks;  Wondering about the future was pointless, for I hadn’t a clue what was would be happening next week.

As for what actually happened, that’s quite a journey in itself.  Mom moved off the boat when we finally dosed her with enough medicine to numb the pain.  With the help of Misty Michael, a Canadian Couple in their sixties, we found a hotel that was cheap, friendly, and hospitable.  I would be staying and caring for my mother.  When moving day came she took only a bag of clothes and I followed by her side, holding her hand.  My father stayed behind to care for the birds on the boat while my mother and I lived in a Posada, which is Spanish for Inn and Restaurant.

A wide, white, concrete building with air conditioning, nice people, a favorable restaurant, and soft beds is what we needed after two years at sea.  Every morning and every night was hot, but in the hopes to relieve mom of her stress we ran the air conditioning at a low twenty-two degrees Celsius.  A cooler core temperature may help her aches and pains and it was a good place to relax.  Maybe this is what we needed, a break.

For a long time mom couldn’t leave the hotel, but even still I would encourage her to walk down the hallway and back and this was about all she could manage.  In the mornings I would walk down the stairs at eight-thirty sharp and ask for a hot drip coffee to go.  I knew very little Spanish, but I was forced to learn quickly.  At the hotel no one spoke English, but they were willing to be patient and help me learn.  They were extremely open people and welcomed me in the morning, ask how my mom was, and would try their hardest to carry on a conversation, but it was difficult.

We were in the hotel room for about a month, frankly.  It was a long stay, I admit, but at the time we were transitioning from a life we had committed ourselves to into a life that could change drastically with each day.  Though my dad would visit mom and I it had become apparent that our birds needed to be relieved of their own hot situation.  By visiting us in the hotel dad would leave the birds unattended and at one point dad did bring Neville, mom’s white bellied caique, into the hotel as a surprise for her.  Four parrots were worth a lot and though Hualtuco was a safe place we just didn’t feel comfortable risking our bird’s lives by leaving them on Cyrano alone.  Dad and I talked relentlessly about how we were going to dig ourselves out of this unexpected rut, but needless to say there were few presentable options.

Moving day came once again when we finally decided to rent a small house.  A nice Canadian lady profited from renting out her house to tourists in Hualtuco and we just so happened to need a house.  It was small, it was white, it was concrete, and it had a courtyard with a surrounding fence; this was our new home.  We rented her house through her agent, Mimi who was a delightful young lady that spoke brilliant English.  The day we moved from our hotel room was the day when the first rains hit and boy did they hit.  You may think Oregon is a rainy place, but let me say that buckets of rain in twenty minutes can shake Oregon out of its reputation.  When it rained in Hualtuco it really rained and it rained for a long time.  The best part about the rain was that it washed the streets, cleared the air, and best of all the rain was warm and carried the heat away with each grape-sized drop. The hotel owners were nice enough to offer up their car so we can transport our birds and our belonging to our new house and we were extremely thankful.  We drove through the pouring rain like unexperienced teenagers, taxis blared their furious wrath on us as they sped by and bicyclists also waved a few glares as we accidentally sprayed them with water.  We made it to our house and piled inside, we were soaked and we hadn’t been outside for more than five minutes.  Today I asked mom about this experience and she still claims to not remember most of what happened that day, she was still in a lot of pain even after resting in the hotel room.  We had unloaded everything from the hotel room into the house, but we still needed to get the birds from the boat.  Luckily the rain didn’t last very long and we were able to carry the birds from the boat to the car without too much stress.  Mostly the birds were excited to be doing something new, granted they were probably a little scared, but they were happy to be placed somewhere cooler, somewhere unfamiliar, and somewhere safer.

We lived in this house for six months from May to early October.  In late May and early April we encouraged mom to walk once a day as long as she wanted.  Once she was able to comfortably walk into town and back we allowed her to enter the warm, blue Ocean waters.  This was something we had all been looking forward to and Hualtuco was known for it’s nine gorgeously blue bays.  It took a while, but she was able to swim again and eventually she was able to snorkel.   During those six months we found medical care for mom through numerous doctor and later she was diagnosed in August with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  With the right medicine Rheumatoid Arthritis can be managed, but it takes a constant effort from both the family and the doctor.

I did write a few posts during these six months, most confirming that we weren’t on Cyrano, but none actually admitting to the end of journey.  In early October we had enough of Hualtuco and the extreme heat, we needed a change and mom needed better medical help.  She was in a stable position and therefore we booked the first flight into Portland, Oregon.  Our birds stayed with a local veterinarian in Mexico whom we trusted dearly, we had no clue how long we would be separated from them.  It was very difficult leaving everything behind, our birds and our boat primarily, but keep in mind that the boat was our home with all of our belongings.  Safe in the marina the boat would wait until dad flew down in November with a crew.  The plan is to retrieve the birds from our veterinarian and to sail them and our boat back to The States with his crew of two.  He has been gone a month, but as of yesterday he is less than a hundred miles from the border of the United States.

That is how Cyrano’s story will end, she will return to the United States carrying my dad, our four parrots, and all of our belongings.  It’s been a long two years, but this unimaginable journey has brought all of us a well of stories to share around Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.  I want to thank all of my readers for following me so diligently, I greatly appreciate all of you.  In return I hope you can go forth and find your own journeys either big or small, scary or thrilling for it is never too late to go out and have the adventure of a lifetime.

Thank you,

Teenage Sailor







New, New, New

Alright everyone, I know I’ve been secretive about the status of this site.  I’ve been playing with some colors and some themes and as a bonus I also created another page.   Normally I wouldn’t choose black as a main color for my blog, but I currently don’t have an HTML option for this theme.  If I find a more appropriate color then it will replace the morbid black I’ve chosen.

Here’s a little cheat navigation: The left sidebar has a collection of links, photos and at the bottom of the page are archives and blog stats, you’ll have to scroll pretty far to get to the bottom.   Finally, on the top right corner there are the pages’ links:  ‘Want More Information’ and ‘What Do I Do Every Day?‘.

Have fun with the new page, have fun with the new look, and please comment/ like.

Thanks for your patience,

Teenage Sailor

Zip Lines!

I do think I have the most awesome parents of all time.  A few days ago I scheduled a trip into the mountains, about an hour before the adventure started a very nice man called our house to tell us what to wear.  He told us to wear pants, a shirt, and a swimsuit.  I thought a swimsuit was odd, but I went with it.  That afternoon we went to this cute little ranch outside of Santa Cruz, Huatulco where they offer a variety of fun tourist activities.  At this ranch you can join a white water rafting trip, ride horses, walk a butterfly path, or if you’re really feeling brave you can ride the zip lines.

Huge Cactus









Of course a small part of me was ready to faint when we suited up and traveled up a steep, rutted, partially washed out road in a pickup that may as well be in an episode of Survivor…or Supernatural.  Up we went, three tour guides, my dad, and myself.

Down We Go IMG_5625






I made dad go down the first line.  I watched my dear dad go down that line, the cable buzzing my own safety lines and as imagined I had to be peeled off of the starting perch by the guide. In that moment I realized they make you wear a swimsuit in case you pee yourself.

What Was I Thinking? IMG_5633 IMG_5643











It’s genetic to stick my tongue out like that in the second photo;  I get it from my mom.  We had two lines to go down, the first one was slightly steep, stretching over a small valley.  The second line was like watching a suspenseful movie, steep, far, and very fast.  Looking down the line I could see that it took us right back to the ranch.  You can also hear the chickens that far up, cluck cluck cluck.  Again, I made dad go down first.







We flew down that zip line!  It was very scary, but just amazing and then afterwards a nice woman took us back home.  Stay tuned for our next adventure, possibly turtles or maybe butterflies.


My Little Ocean

 “- As result of our temporary break we have moved off of the boat and into a nice little house.”

My last post briefly covered the past two months and in that time my family and I have moved onto the land.  We’ve been exploring, experience, and being apart of the Mexican and American social circles.  Every two weeks there is a public market in the Center of Santa Cruz; several farmers, artists, cooks, and florists come together and sell their products here.  A lot of the vendors are people who live in the hills, one such person is a woman who collects, grows, and sells plants and fish.  She sells glass bowls filled with fish, snails, and a variety of plants which all thrive in their watery environment.

As some of my family members know, I’ve been wanting to start a terrarium for quite a while.  Primarily I wanted to have a snail as a companion due to the influence of this book:

The Sound Of A Wild Snail EatingIf you click on this photo it will bring you to the Amazon Kindle Fire web address.

This book tells a fascinating story about a creature we usually disregard.  Scientific, historical, and very interesting I highly recommend this book to people who are the least bit interested in that snail who may be crawling around their house, garden, or yard.

I digress; from the influence of the book to the vendor in the park I finally decided I must have a snail.  In Mexico it’s a little difficult finding the appropriate aquarium, equipment, and supplies.  The day I went snorkeling my father went to a department store and found an aquarium, fully set up and ready to use.  It hardly takes up a square foot and it is just large enough to support an interesting and fun terrarium set up.  Within a week I designed and arranged my new aquarium and waited patiently for the weekend to come so I could finally add fish!

Eugene DSC04148 DSC04149








This is Eugene, he’s a beta fish.  I know betas commonly don’t get along with their own kind, I don’t either.  However these Mexican Betas seem to live comfortably with one another.  Therefore I have Eugene and a beautiful dark blue/black fish.  I haven’t named the second fish or the snail:

Apple Snail DSC04152 DSC04143









This is my aquarium, I don’t know what I’ll name my fish and snail, but I’ll let everyone know when I’ve decided.

The Pacific Bermuda Triangle

I know it has been nearly, if not over two months since my last post.  In my last post I was just about to jump the Tehuantepec; some of you may think I’ve disappeared or something has happened to Cyrano, but I’m here to tell you that the Tehuantpec isn’t a Pacific version of the Bermuda Triangle.  All will be explained in this post, but if something isn’t clear please email me at:

Or you can leave a comment below this post.

To explain briefly; we crossed the Tehuantepec in thirty-six hours; roughly equal to the amount of time it took to just from Cabo San Lucas to La Cruz. We arrived at Marina Chiapas in the hottest part of the day; humidity and heat combined we swayed in our slip hot, sweaty, and without a breeze.  It is interesting how Marina Chiapas decided to build it’s little marina.  Rather than dredging the little bay deeper they decided clear and dredge a new water way that would travel deep into the heart of the swamp and there would be a beautiful little marina a few miles out of town.  Do you know what swamps have; lots of bugs, but mosquitoes in particular.



These Chiapas mosquitoes fly by the hundreds and they’re relentless!  There we sit, in a still marina, high humidity, hoping our papers will be approved and stamped.  Once the sun goes behind the horizon the mosquitoes come out and I’m in my room trying to read:

What The Heck?


But wait!  There’s more!  We couldn’t close the boat due to the heat and no one was very willing to add mosquito repellent on top of their sweat and sunscreen.  Hours of crew discussions took place and we finally decided to stop our trip for the summer.  The next day we turned around and traveled through the Tehuantepec again, saying goodbye to the Guatemala border.  This was probably the best decision because everyone was exhausted from traveling and that could be dangerous.  Now we are in La Crucecita, Huatulco sitting on the edge of the Tehuantepec.

We will not be traveling this season, but once the Hurricane Season ends in November we might head back towards Marina Chiapas.  As a result of our temporary break we have moved off of the boat and into a nice little house.  Of course most of our supplies are still on the boat, but we do have our family, clothes, and some necessary supplies with us.

This area is humming with energy, since the rainy season started we’ve had nights filled with lightening!  Days when the rain comes down so hard I can’t hear the vacuum over the sound of the rain hitting our roof.  Just yesterday we had a 5.1 earthquake here, of course no one harmed, but it was very exciting.  However, there is a heat wave coming through our area.  It is very unusual to be this hot with very little rain, many of the locals have commented how odd this is.

Hualtuco, though built for tourists, never rose to the potential everyone thought it could have.  Cruise ships do come through here quite often, but amazingly the amount of American tourists seem almost unnoticeable compared to the Mexican tourists coming from Oaxaca City and Chiapas state.  With this said it is odd being one of the few American families that live here; for instance, we live right across the street from a school and the little elementary kids like to play a game called; “Who’s brave enough to talk to the American man/ woman?”.  This occurs once a week and we usually give them a piece of candy, they’re very friendly.

Though sailing was incredible and we do want to continue it is nice to finally stop and do the things we’ve dreamed of doing on this adventure: snorkeling, scuba diving, zip lines, climbing, hiking, ect.

In an effort to learn Spanish and to be social with my own age group I made a friend with one of our neighbors.  Yesterday we went snorkeling.  I’ll be the first to tell you, it’s quite difficult to take an underwater selfie.


It is also more difficult than it looks to take underwater pictures of fish:

DSC04077DSC04068Amazing Fish

To follow this I captured a little bit of coral

Parrot Fish? DSC04097 DSC04099

There are fish in these photos

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Those are my toes in the last photo.


What adventure will follow this post?  Perhaps zip lining, maybe horse back riding or a fantastic massage, stay tuned for more posts.


Two Weeks Full of Fun

We’ve been on the move for two weeks and now we’re on the outer edges of the Tehuantepec.


We’ve covered about six hundred miles of coast and this morning we evaluated the charts and determined that we have about six hundred more miles before we reach Costa Rica and Panama.

We haven’t stopped longer than a few days most of the way down the coast, but we have been taking photos.  Excessively.

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It’s bikini weather!! FINALLY!  As we entered into Acapulco for fuel we dressed down to the most basic of clothing because it’s very hot and humid.  The immediate and most effective solution to the heat is a long swim with a fresh water rinse on the aft deck afterwards.

We didn’t stay in Acapulco, we had placed to go and I guess these guys did too.

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We went through a pod of dolphins and there were hundreds of them!! They swam with us (six knots, hull speed) for most of an hour before finally loosing interest.

The turtles, on the other hand have an interesting life.  We see them when the seas are fairly calm and the wind is at a low.  They drift about in a seemingly uncaring fashion and we sometimes sail right through a cluster of them.  We have hit a few turtles while sailing and at first we were horrified that we have hurt one, but we soon realized the impact on them causes little damage.  They are usually very large and they do resemble the turtles off of Nemo.

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We didn’t stay in Escondido for more than a night because bottom doesn’t provide good holding and the surf was huge!  Escondido is known as one of the best surfing spots in the world, we even saw Pipeline Beach.  We entered in the dark and left while the sun was rising.  The winds had been fairly mild and the angle was usually on our aft, thus causing us to try and jibe our way down the coast, but as we left Escondido we were able to fly a spinnaker and match our hull speed for most of the day.

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Zihuatanejo was actually one of our least favorite places.  The bay was very protected and that made the town and even the anchorage unbearably hot.  Also, the town had very little to offer, but it was a beautiful place.

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Lastly, Port Angel; a beautiful place no wider than about a mile.  There are a lot of hazardous rocks in this little bay, but they make the place gorgeous in twilight light.  There are also a lot of fishermen here and unfortunately they’ve taken over most of the anchorage space, leaving enough room for only one boat to anchor. (Two if you really squeeze everyone together)

There you have it!  I must mention, I did not put the anchorages in the correct order and I honestly can’t remember which order they go in.  More photos are on their way as we cross the Tehuantepec and I might include a few scientific facts about the great crossing of the Tehuantepec.

Mis Amigos

Our time in La Cruz has ended, tomorrow we depart bright and early!


We arrived three months ago on December 17th and since that time we have met some fantastic people.  That is what this post will focus on, the amazing people of La Cruz.  Each photo will include a little description of the person as well as a brief view of who they are.

The first people we met were the marina security.  We saw the following guards every time we docked our dingy;



Luis Rafael


Patron Luis

These guys are the main security; they work six days a week and twelve hours days.

Luis Rafael

This is Luis Rafael, he spoke very broken English, but that never seemed to dim his friendly and happy personality.  Every time we saw him we would carry on a long, broken, and confusing conversation.  Usually neither one of us understood each other, but that was okay and that is what made this friendship.


Oscar was always a lot of fun to be around.  He spoke great English and he was always friendly with us; also, when we were in the marina he never missed an opportunity to come down to our boat and chat with us for five minutes.

The guards work awful hours and their pay is very little; therefore, last week my family and I bought all the guards ice cream as a thank you for being awesome.

What about the townspeople?  The town of La Cruz is amazing because you can go anywhere and reach your destination in five minutes, but if you know the townspeople your short trip into town will take over an hour.  Meet Havier:


He owns a little tourist shop on a corner in the middle of town.  He has a great sense of humor and will causally insult you at every opportunity.  His shop location allowed him to witness my multiple injuries during our stay; from my infected toes all the way to my cuts and bruises (skateboarding).

JC Gecko Rojo

JC works at Gecko Rojo, he was a close friend and I’d always stop in and say hello (usually extending my shore trip by twenty minutes).  Though Gecko Rojo is owned by a gringa the workers are all locals and the food is excellent.  Also in Gecko Rojo are the commonly overlooked cooks, Irene, Paula, Betty, and Nancy.  They were all very friendly and very tough girls, none of the girls spoke English; conclusively, my visits with the girls usually involved me being very confused and them thinking it’s very funny.

We have had a great time in La Cruz and we have a learned a lot.  A crew meeting was held a while back and La Cruz is definitely a place we will probably come back to.  Tomorrow morning we’ll be sailing south and anchoring in Chamela:


San Sebastian

Why stick to the shores when there’s an entire world to see beyond the sandy beaches?  Last Friday my mom and I took a tour up to the San Sebastian mining town.  As we climbed thousands of feet in our little white tourist van we saw several different varieties of jungle.  The flora, from what we have seen in movies, is nothing like what you would think; actually, the jungle we typically envision ourselves in is actually found in Costa Rica.  Here are a few shots of Jungle Up North:

Fig Tree Mountains

We stopped half way for a quick stretch of the legs.  Look at this bridge, in person this bridge is so uneven and unstable our van driver refuses to cross the bridge if there are more than three cars crossing.  There’s also quite a drop into the river below….

Freaky BridgeDon't Fall!

Our first stop was Hacienda Jalisco where silver was extracted from the silver-ore, but now the owners roast coffee and offer housing for tourists.

Coffee Berries Drying Coffee Berries On The Bush!Drying And Washing Berries

Among the wild coffee there are citrus trees, root vegetables, and other plants that are growing outside of their normal climate.  One of the more interesting types of flora is the Ficus tree, not only is it a beautiful tree, but it also adapts to its surroundings with ease.

Adobe Needs Updating

This fig has morphed itself around an adobe wall.  When adobe sits out in the rain it washes away into a pile of mud, but this Ficus tree has supported this wall for decades.

Adobe Needs an Update

Looks like Adobe needs updating!

The Lion, The Witch, The Ficus

This shot has great lighting, it could be a sci-fi portal.  The Lion, The Witch, and The Ficus.

Let’s take a walk around the property:

Mossy Bridge Little Stream

Cute little bridge and stream.

Awesome Structure Dinning Hall DSC02214

This old map was being displayed on one of the library’s table.

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In the Courtyard we found a calico kitty enjoying his lunch.

Calico Kitty

Speaking of lunch, I loved the Spanish Sweeny Todd feeling of this kitchen.

Sweeny Todd Anyone? DSC02236

Cute dishes though


I take back that last comment.

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What’s beyond the house?

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Adorable flower, of course!

I think we have a rodent problem

It looks like we have a rodent problem….

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Ficus trees send down vines in search of nutrients.  If there is constant supply of water or other food then the Ficus vine will grow larger and the tree will send down more vines.  Welcome to Mexico, the country where you are expected not to fall into a hole the size of a SUV.

Timmy wasn’t in any serious danger so we left and headed up the mountain.

Welcome to San Sebastian del Oeste!

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Back in the day when paint didn’t come in 0000034 and 00CCH92 the locals used classic white paint.  What about color?  Grab a handful of red clay and make yourself some beautiful red paint.

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Not many people visit San Sebastian, but when they do it is likely they will spend the night.  Here’s a cute little place:DSC02300DSC02303DSC02307DSC02310DSC02315

The town’s main hotel was originally a silver vault.  Miners could come here at the end of the day and cash their silver into the vault before going to their hotel room.  During the days of the revolution, Oeste was pillaged and burned several times by rebels.  This hotel was the second safest building to hide in because the front door is the only entrance to the entire building and the walls were too high and too smooth to climb.

Awesome tile work, by the way.

DSC02317 DSC02320 This Adobe is in pretty good shape.

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The first photo is an avocado tree; here avocados sell for twenty-five cents for a kilo (2.2 pounds).  Also, the citrus is abundant and quite rich with flavor.

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Town center holds a mining statue in memory of those who died in the mines.  Also in the town square is the girl’s school; interestingly, in the 1800s the girl’s school was separated from the boy’s school.  The girls and boys would only see each other when they would go to church as a school group.

As I was explaining earlier, during the revolution days there were two buildings used as a safe house.  The first, as explained, was the silver vault, but the second was the town’s church.

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It is a beautiful church and the court-yard is surround by concrete walls.  When the rebels arrived the church would ring its bells as a warning to the civilians.  The town’s people would hide in the church’s court-yard until the raid was over, but after a few years the rebels stole everything valuable and there was nothing left.  The final raid was held inside the church, the rebels (while the civilians crowded in the court-yard) took everything inside the church. The church, as it were, was left to resemble the Whos’ Houses in The Grinch Stole Christmas.

That concludes my tour of San Sebastian, I hope everyone enjoyed it.

Excitment in Paradise

Very little has been happening in La Cruz, but a few mild incidents have caught my attention.  One of the La Cruz shipwrecks has been causing several cruisers worry after a few people lost more than one anchor.  The cause for the fouled and lost anchors is a ship’s prop which measures to be from four feet to six feet wide!  I have searched until I was exhausted and the news paper link to the wreckage could not be found.

The major event as of recent is a burning apartment building!  A few weeks ago an apartment building lit on fire on the sixth floor. The cause was apparently a cardboard box used as an ashtray. Remember kids, don’t put hot things on or in flammable things, like a cigarette in a cardboard box.

That’s all for now, I’ll write in when something else happens. Maybe we can witness the Port Captain clear the prop out of the anchorage.

Where To, Scotty?

I have scanned my maps and edited them appropriately. I have included Southern Mexico, Yucatan Peninsula, Central America, and Panama Canal. My maps were printed in 1961 so the information on the map itself isn’t entirely up to date or accurate. We will not be using these maps for our travels.

Southern Mexico

Many of the anchorages this far south are what you see in vacation magazines. The swaying palms, crystal water, white beaches and mysterious fish are known to be abundant and hot. The temperature reaches nearly eighty with a humidity of 75 or better, making the ‘Feels Like’ temperature near or over ninety.

A popular way to cool down (and avoid a hot shower) is to go swimming! Currently the Ocean is at 80 degrees, this makes our tap water over seventy degrees. The water will rise by a few degrees as we head further south, but I’m not interested in temperature. Reefs, wrecks, and submerged objects offer a wide range of entertainment.

Yucatan Penin.

The Yucatan Peninsula holds the largest amount of living reefs. With the rising pollution our reefs are dying and the coral is bleaching.

Horror of Bleaching


But in the Peninsula the sea life is lush. I can’t wait to see Belize, it is part of the Yucatan and during the 1960s Belize’s official title was British Honduras. It is a small country, but its coast has an abundance of reefs, it is hard to enter their bay safely because of this.


The sea does not hold center stage for us, though. The terrain of Central America is as always imagined. Lush jungle full of birds, animals, and insects; we plan to hike into the jungle once we are down there. Central America, but namely Costa Rica is home to coffee plantation a by the dozens.

There is one problem with C.America, the hurricanes. We have to be in Panama before the season hits, it is part of the few areas where we can hide away and be safe.


There’s a small jetty on the Pacific side of the Canal, it is titled Leper Colony. In the Early 1900s the US produced Leprosy Coins fearing the leprosy may spread if the contaminated used common money. I’m also including a PDF regarding Palo Seco, a large leprosy colony that was well-known during the time.

Panama Leprosy

The Canal has had a full life and I intend to create a post based solely on its history. For now the lesson on Panama is leprosy. I hope everyone has enjoyed this post, it was fun to write. Any questions can be asked through email or comments.

Welcome to A Sailor's Life, I am Teenage Sailor. As of December, 2015 this blog has officially ended. Please look through the 'What Did You Miss' section of my blog to review previous posts. Thank You, Teenage Sailor